15 Sep Our top tips on making your job advert stand out.
Posted at 12:27h
in News
The state of the job market is making daily headline news with doom and gloom reports of the difficulty of recruiting. But this does not need to be your story for your business, so we would like to share our top tips on how you can make your job advert stand out and help you secure the best possible candidates.
- Make sure you understand the role and are able to write a comprehensive description of what the employee is expected to do. Clarity is key!
- Include a salary, or salary band, if you’re looking for people with a range of experience. People like to know what they are aiming for, and salary is often a key indicator on the level of role being advertised.
- Company Culture – we shouldn’t forget how much time we spend in the workplace so if you have a great company culture, then shout about it. It really matters to potential employees these days to feel part of a company that engages in social activities outside of work, or has regular in work activities. Even the environment plays a great part in how people feel they fit in. So write it all down!
- Do you offer any other benefits? However small or insignificant it might sound, it could make all the difference to a prospective candidate, for example the offer of an extra half day off for your birthday, or staff discounts on café purchases.
- Be clear about your working arrangements, especially if you are offering ‘flexi-working’, what does that actually mean? Sometimes this can be more off putting to potential candidates than it can be enticing. A recent survey by Timewise Jobs found that nearly 45% of candidates were put off by job advertisements which included the phrase ‘open to flexible working’.
- Have you done your research? Is your offering competitive compared with what other companies local to you are offering?
We hope you found these tips helpful, but if you would like to talk to one of our recruitment consultants then please get in touch and we’d be happy to help in sourcing you the best people for your business.
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